"Stay Hydrated and Show Your School Spirit: A Guide for College Dorm Essentials"

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"Stay Hydrated and Show Your School Spirit: A Guide for College Dorm Essentials"

College can be stressful enough without worrying about the little things like what cup to use for your morning coffee or what snacks to keep in your dorm room. That's why we've put together a guide for all the college students out there who want to stay hydrated and show off their school spirit, while also snacking on something delicious and nutritious.

1. Tervis Triple Walled Boston College Eagles Insulated Tumbler Cup
For those who want to stay hydrated and show off their school spirit, the Tervis Triple Walled Boston College Eagles Insulated Tumbler Cup is the perfect addition to your dorm room essentials. This cup is not only convenient for dorm to dorm moves, but it's also easy to clean. Plus, with its triple-walled insulation, it'll keep your drinks at the perfect temperature for hours. Bottom line: 9/10.

2. Nature Valley Crunchy Granola Bars
If you're looking for a quick snack throughout the day, the Nature Valley Crunchy Granola Bars are a delicious and nutritious option. These bars are perfect for when you're on the go, need a quick energy boost, or just want something to munch on while studying. Bottom line: 8.5/10.

In addition to these products, don't forget to check out the HCC Admissions, MCC Admissions, and New York Institute of Technology Admissions websites for more information on applying to college. And, make sure to fill out your FAFSA for federal student aid.

For those who are transferring, be sure to utilize the Common App Transfer Application and Transfer Admission Planner to make the process as smooth as possible. And if you're looking for suite-style dorms, check out the new Tutwiler Dorm or other University dorm options.

Lastly, for those who may have missed the deadline for some colleges, fear not! Many colleges have late application deadlines, and you can also check out the Open CCC Apply website for opportunities at ED2 Schools.

College can be overwhelming, but with the right essentials and resources, it can also be a fun and fulfilling experience. So go ahead, stay hydrated, snack on something crunchy and great, and crush those college goals!

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