The Ultimate Guide to College Applications and Dorm Must-Haves

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The Ultimate Guide to College Applications and Dorm Must-Haves

Are you ready to start your college journey? From applying to colleges to settling in your new dorm room, there are a lot of things to prepare for. But don't worry, we've got you covered! In this ultimate guide, we've compiled a list of must-haves for college applications and dorm life. Whether you're a high school senior or a transfer student, this guide is for you.

1. The Common App and CCCApply
When it comes to applying to colleges, the Common App and CCCApply are two of the most popular application portals. The Common App is used by over 900 colleges and universities, while CCCApply is used by California community colleges. These portals allow you to apply to multiple colleges with just one application, saving you time and energy.

2. Cal Grant Application
If you're planning to attend college in California, the Cal Grant Application is a must. This application allows you to apply for financial aid from the state of California. The deadline for submitting your Cal Grant Application is March 2nd, so don't wait until the last minute!

3. Colleges with Rolling Admissions
Colleges with rolling admissions accept applications on a first-come, first-served basis until all spots are filled. This means that you can apply anytime during the application period and receive an admissions decision within a few weeks. Some popular colleges with rolling admissions include Arizona State University, Florida State University, and Purdue University.

4. Early Action Colleges
Early action colleges allow you to submit your application early and receive an admissions decision before the regular decision deadline. This can be a great option if you have a strong application and want to know your admissions status sooner. Some popular early action colleges include Boston College, Georgetown University, and University of Michigan.

5. Recommender Common App
The Common App allows you to request letters of recommendation from your teachers, counselors, or other recommenders. Before you start your application, make sure to ask your recommenders if they are willing to write a letter for you. You can also use the Common App to track the status of your letters of recommendation.

6. Rice Krispies Treats
After all that hard work on your college applications, you deserve a treat! Rice Krispies Treats are a classic snack that never gets old. Whether you're studying in your dorm room or on-the-go, these treats are the perfect snack to satisfy your sweet tooth.

7. Mini Fridge
A mini fridge is a dorm room essential. Not only does it keep your food and drinks cool, but it also adds a touch of convenience to your daily routine. You can store snacks, drinks, and even leftovers from the dining hall in your mini fridge. Plus, it's perfect for co-ed dorms where you might want to keep some of your food separate.

8. Dorm Room Mover
Moving into your dorm room can be a hassle, but a dorm room mover can make the process a lot easier. These movers are designed to fit in small spaces and make it easy to transport your belongings from your car to your dorm room. They're also great for moving out at the end of the year.

In conclusion, applying to college and settling in your new dorm room can be overwhelming, but with the right tools and resources, you can make the process a lot easier. Whether you're using the Common App or CCCApply to apply to colleges, snacking on Rice Krispies Treats, or keeping your drinks cold in a mini fridge, we hope this guide has helped you prepare for your college journey. Good luck!

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